I occasually take pictures


About me (& this website)

Hey there! I love photography, but it's always been more of a casual interest for me rather than a serious hobby, which you can probably tell from my gear.

I'm a bit of a control freak, so I recently decided to start self-hosting a lot of the services I use. This photo stream helps me tackle a problem that's been bugging me for a while: having control over my photos.

This stream is also helping me keep my big photo library somewhat organized. Plus, I'm hoping it'll push me to get more serious about photography in the long run.

Some of the pictures have stories behind them, so be sure to read the captions!

How is this website made?

I wanted an easy and automated way to share some of the pictures I take. Since I mostly use my iPhone for shooting, I figured out a way to publish directly from iCloud. So, my iCloud library serves as the storage solution (yes yes, I still don't fully own my data, inevitably), syncing with this statically generated website.

Now, I can publish a picture just by moving it to a shared iCloud library. All the metadata, like titles and captions, comes from iCloud too. This means I can manage this photo stream directly from my iPhone or Macbook Photos app.

Behind the scenes, a few Docker containers handle syncing the pictures from iCloud, rebuilding the website whenever there's a change and processing and transforming the EXIF data.